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Why has Japan lost its edge in new technology supremacy? – Software Craftsmanship Weekly vol. 119

Today we'll devote most of the edition to the Land of the Cherry Blossom, as I've gotten my hands on some insanely interesting texts about it in recent weeks. However, we'll also talk about the cost of cloud computing (here we go again) and lawsuits in the world of generative AI.

Today we'll devote most of the edition to the Land of the Cherry Blossom, as I've gotten my hands on some insanely interesting texts about it in recent weeks. However, we'll also talk about the cost of cloud computing (here we go again) and lawsuits in the world of generative AI.

Artykuł Why has Japan lost its edge in new technology supremacy? – Software Craftsmanship Weekly vol. 119 pochodzi z serwisu Vived.

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